VETRN Press Release

VETRN Announces New Board Member

Lee GoldbergBlog

Norton, MA, Lee Goldberg announces the appointment of Ingrid Centurion to the Board of Directors of VETRN, an award winning executive training program designed specifically for veteran business owners.

Goldberg is pleased to welcome such an accomplished veteran, entrepreneur and graduate of the robust VETRN Streetwise “MBA” program. “Ingrid embodies the spirit of the veteran community and brings talent, expertise and energy to the VETRN organization. We are very fortunate to have her on our team as we continue to expand the program throughout New England,” said Goldberg. Centurion is the CEO of Centurion Technologies Consulting LLC, a firm that provides intelligence services to entrepreneurial advanced technology businesses. A professional speaker who motivates and inspires people of all ages, she also produces and host her own TV show called “Inspiring Careers” on Access Framingham TV. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical Technology from Arizona State University and a Master of Science from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. A decorated 22-year Army veteran, Ingrid served as a helicopter and fixed wing pilot and instructor and test pilot during a distinguished career that included a combat tour in Iraq. Centurion also serves as the co-chair to the MIT Chief Information Officer Symposium, Executive Vice President of the First Region of the United States Army and as the Senior Vice Chair of VFW Post 929 in Framingham, MA. The award winning VETRN Streetwise “MBA” program is offered under an exclusive license with Interise to veteran small business owners and is tailored to support these veteran entrepreneurs on their path to growth and success.

“Through the VETRN program alone, I was able to grow an additional 45% in revenue within a short time,” said Josh Smith, an Army Infantry veteran and recent graduate. “I highly recommend this course to veterans and family members of any business,” said the owner of the Norwood based Shamrock Overhead Door.

Lee Goldberg, recipient of the 2017 SBA District Director Award for his contributions to the entrepreneurial success of small businesses in New England, has been a leader in veteran achievement for many years and is excited to welcome the next cohort of veterans to the fall class, which will begin on September 22, 2018 at Dean College in Franklin, MA. The VETRN course, offered at no cost to participating veterans, still has five seats available for interested veteran business owners who wish to apply.

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