How to Get Through a Financial Crisis

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how to manage through a financial crisis

VETRN MBA Online Program - Growing Your Business Certificate of Completion Ceremony 2023

Final Presentations and Graduation - Presentation of Certificates to the VETRN 2022 Class

2021 VETRN Final Growth Plans and Graduation Ceremony

Business owners nationwide are growing their businesses by attending the VETRN MBA Program. Learn topics that matter.

VETRN Program Overview

Business Development Strategies

Government Contracts

Accessing Capital

Strategic Planning

Finance & Financial Management

Human Resources

Get Involved


If you served in the military & are a business owner who wants to grow your business.

Apply to Participate


Support the VETRN program with a sponsoring donation to our 501-C3 organization.

Become a Sponsor


Give time as a Mentor, Guest Speaker, or Program Aide to our participants.

Be a Volunteer

"This course has opened my eyes to a whole new array of business challenges AND opportunities. The class has forced me to focus on what I have done, what I am currently doing and where I want to be in 3 years."

Dave Foster, CEO Foster Landscaping



2020 VETRN Online Graduation Ceremony with SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza

VETRN Accolades from Recent Graduates

“Lee, you touched on so many profound topics. I take them all to heart, from having passion to paying it forward and everything else. Before the course started, I knew you were connected, only because you shared a few connections. It’s one thing to have them and another to also share them. I want to personally thank you for sharing, caring, and staying committed to our Veterans. I learned so much from the course! I’m not sure how to meaningfully fill my future Saturday mornings. Thank you again.”

Lalini Pillay, President/CEO of Lalini Enterprises, LLC

"I want to thank Lee and David for taking the time to teach and manage this course. It is obvious that all they want to do is help. The level of guest experts we were fortunate enough to connect with have already made a difference in the businesses of most, if not all the students in this course. The connections and lessons learned will, without a doubt, help everyone who was fortunate enough to be accepted to participate in this experience. I really do appreciate everything they did for us and how much they really care about how we do as business owners and people. Thank you"

Clinton Galvin, Owner of Empire1 Home Improvements