VETRN’s President, Lee Goldberg and Program Manager, David Ferrara are excited to announce the start of the 2023 VETRN MBA Online program for the Fall of 2023. The 2023 online cohort is expected to include 20 or more veteran small business owners and family members from across the country. This class starts our 9th year of the VETRN MBA training program, teaching veteran participants how to successfully grow their veteran owned small business. As of this date, more than 90 veteran small business owners and family members have graduated from the VETRN program, with many successes and successful pivot stories to date. The VETRN MBA program is free of charge
To all of you who have provided VETRN with sponsorship and support in 2022 and in prior years, thank you for your support and for helping veterans and family members achieve their dreams and goals of becoming successful small business owners. We hope that you will continue to provide your support for our 2023 VETRN Online program as we continue to expand our programming nationwide.
In the Fall of 2022, the Small Business Administration Office of Veterans Business Development awarded VETRN a four-year grant to continue to grow and expand its VETRN Programming throughout the USA. VETRN is grateful to the SBA for this grant and is proud to have been one of four veteran training organizations in the USA that was awarded an SBA grant to promote educational and management training to veterans and service-disabled veterans.
As the VETRN MBA program is now a national online program, identifying local mentors for each of our class participants continues to be a challenge. In addition to our own substantial list of mentors, guest experts, panel judges, and professional resources, who have selflessly volunteered their time, our heartfelt thank you goes out to the SBA OVBD and VBOC regional offices, the regional SBDC and SCORE Chapters, and to TMA Global and local Chapter Presidents, for providing access to local resources so that every VETRN participant across the country has access to a personal mentor.
So, as we begin our 9th year of the VETRN MBA program and our 4rd year of online programing, David and I are very appreciative of everyone involved with the VETRN program and are excited about teaching the 2023 cohort. We look forward to the continued expansion of the VETRN MBA program, our veteran small business network, our VETRN graduate community and the VETRN support community in the years ahead.